Planning scheme changes

The Institute has lodged its submission on the proposed Rockhampton Planning Scheme.

We voiced support for the following:
• New provisions within the residential zones to enable short-term accommodation land use activities
• Reduction in the levels of assessment for the high density residential zone to enable the conversion of existing buildings to become short-term accommodation, retirement villages, and rooming accommodation.
• The introduction of the Kershaw Gardens Precinct in order to encourage greater tourism opportunities
• Updated flood mapping in response to the North Rockhampton Flood Mitigation Project (Stage 1).

We also recommended that council allow for opportunities to further subdivide to create new lots within the North Rockhampton Flood Mitigation area, reduce the finished floor level from 500mm to 300mm in the area, and review the character overlay and reduce the need for submission or assessment of applications for small building projects.

The council has indicated further work on the minor demolition controls, and that the residual risk of flooding inherent within the North Rockhampton Floodplain Management Area, requires the provisions of the Flood Hazard Overlay Code, to still apply.

The Institute also highlighted key issues relating to the planning scheme amendment, including:
• Character overlay provisions and in particular the demolition controls for Residential and Commercial areas, being restrictive building impediments and creating loss of rights
• Commercial character provisions not supporting revitalisation
• Assessment criteria for determining a ‘traditional character house’ being vague and property owners’ input not being considered
• Extending the Character overlay area to protect additional properties that have significant traditional character
• Level of assessment of minor demolition being restrictive
• The ‘minor demolition’ definition being unclear particularly calculating the percentage of minor demolition works
• Proposed Kershaw Gardens precinct within the Open Space Zone
• North Rockhampton Flood Management Area due to high insurance costs and no previous
• history of flooding
• Council to install a pump-out facility within the North Rockhampton Flood Management Area
• Council to allow subdivisions within the North Rockhampton Flood Management Area.

Please contact Policy Executive, Robert Tily ( on (07) 3229 1589 to pass any comments or if you have questions you may ask.

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