
We keep you updated on the important matters affecting our industry. Read through the latest news and updates from the Institute.

New Queensland Development Code

The State Government has introduced, effective from 18 October this year, a new state-wide code to the use of external cladding cited as: Queensland Development Code, Part 2.5 – Use of external cladding.

More elders renting by 2031

ABS demographic projections anticipate a 35.1% growth in the population of seniors aged 55-years and over between 2016 and 2031 in Australia. A population of 5,970,825 seniors in 2016 would therefore grow to 8,064,117 in 2031.

Exempt clearing not exempt

Recently, the Queensland Court of Appeal decided that despite the vegetation being classified as Category X (under the Vegetation Management Act 1999) and indicated as ‘exempt clearing work’ under the Planning Regulation 2017, clearing was still assessable. The High Court...

Modernising apartment living

With local government elections and the State Government election coming up in 2020 members are reminded that following the introduction of new laws last year (Prohibited Donors Scheme), it is illegal for developers to donate to political campaigns.