HomeBuilder and FHOG grants happening

The Commonwealth’s HomeBuilder grant has been stimulating a lot of activity.

15,973 applications for new home build grants have been made in Queensland since 9 August 2020 until 26 February 2021. With a further 3,523 renovation applications.

Data on a breakdown of the grants by location is not available but the Institute has obtained a breakdown of the Queensland First Home Owners’ Grant (FHOG) to first home owners comprising $15,000 towards buying or building a new house, unit or townhouse (valued at less than $750,000).

The following table shows FHOG applications have comprised a substantial portion of house building approvals in regional Queensland and those numbers have increased substantially since July.

The Institute supports the schemes, that are stimulating new home construction, local employment and providing relief to the present rental vacancy squeeze in many locations.

Any views that you have on this can be provided to Policy Manager, Martin Zaltron via email or on (07) 3229 1589.

Email Martin