DTMR supports Institute transparency request

The Institute has been digging in on a number of member issues with regard to the activities of the Department of Transport and Main Roads (the department).

The department responded positively to an Institute request for data on their performance on development application referrals. The department has initially provided data on State Assessment and Referral Agency (SARA) measures, in which the department is the major referral agency. Further information and examination of the data to seek opportunities for process improvement will be undertaken.

A regular cooperative meeting series has been established with the department and at the most recent meeting the issues examined included:

  • Application of Guide to Traffic Impact Assessment (GTIA) to require full cost recovery for Main Road effects of development in some areas rather than the five percent leeway
  • Project Stormwater effects on main roads seeking best practice approaches rather than only a no worsening requirement
  • Noise attenuation of homes near main roads to seek lower cost solutions
  • Main road access arrangements, Sections 62 and 33

Seeking a better understanding of department performance with development applications.

Any feedback can be provided to Policy Manager, Martin Zaltron via email or on (07) 3229 1589.

Contact Martin