Council planning scheme amendments closing soon

Toowoomba Regional Council’s public consultation period will close soon on three amendment packages to be adopted as part of their Planning Scheme.

Amendment No. 20 will propose:

  • Amendments to the design of driveway crossovers, particularly commercial driveway crossovers
  • Changes to when excavating and filling within a rural zone for water storages is assessed by council
  • Zone changes to reflect specific property matters Variation Approvals, logical extensions of existing land uses and approved Council masterplans
  • Amendments to the list of heritage places so that it aligns with the State Heritage Register and amendment to the Heritage Overlay
  • The introduction of a Transport Noise Corridor mapping layer.

Amendment No. 5 will seek change to Planning Scheme Policy No. 6 regarding the list of heritage places.

Amendment No. 4 to Planning Scheme Policy No. 7 proposes an amendment to the list of neighbourhood character places.

We urge members to become aware of the proposed changes to the planning scheme and familiarise how the changes may affect your current and future projects.
Please go to council’s website to view the applicable material and understand how to make a submission.