Concerns for ICOP

The Institute is concerned that the draft ICOP removes some trunk infrastructure items that will prevent the ability to offset costs. This change has added to industry concerns with processing delays for infrastructure, approvals, and offset payments that is creating uncertainty for land owners.

The Institute has sought a review of infrastructure plans, planning conditions, and processes to minimise disruption to the Ripley Valley PDA, which is an important project.

The Institute also provided detailed recommendations to ensure the draft ICOP below is clear and consistent, and called for the following principles to be incorporated:

  • Any item of work that is necessary for the delivery of the trunk infrastructure can be offset
  • If the cost estimates in the ICOP do not adequately cover the actual cost of the infrastructure, and it can be demonstrated that the infrastructure is delivered in a cost-effective method then the full cost of the works and on-costs can be offset
  • That trunk networks change due to new network planning and the requirements and approvals of the relevant authorities however changes should only be implemented at the periodic review of the ICOP or through the agreement of Infrastructure Master Plans
  • Substantial changes to the ICOP should be minimised, grandfathered, renegotiated, and support be given for changes to relevant conditions of approval
  • Additional infrastructure not included in the ICOP may be required and will be able to be offset.

Any enquiries on this can be directed to Policy Executive, Robert Tily at on (07) 3229 1589.

View the Institute’s submission