Clarity on Sustainability Conditions

The branch has been working closely with Sunshine Coast Council regarding member concerns about energy efficiency and sustainability information requests and approval conditions, which were putting pressure on house prices and affordability.

Key points:

  • Branch liaising with council on member concerns regarding their sustainability requests
  • Pressure on house prices and affordability resulting
  • A review and clarifications have resulted from branch engagement
  • Members urged to check over council information requests to ensure the scope is appropriate.

The branch has been working closely with Sunshine Coast Council regarding member concerns about energy efficiency and sustainability information requests and approval conditions, which were putting pressure on house prices and affordability.

As a result of the branch’s advocacy work, council has undertaken a review of its approval conditions package, having regard to the forthcoming changes to the National Construction Code. The Institute is also seeking further evidence from members to accurately depict the cost of delivering dwellings in the region.

In response to Institute efforts, council has indicated that the following matters cannot be requested or conditioned under the planning scheme where the matter specifically relates to sustainable design or energy efficiency covered by the building assessment provisions:

  • Building orientation
  • Passive climatic design e.g. sun-shading or any reference or sun penetration
  • Minimising use of non-renewable energy sources and/or promoting use of renewable energy sources eg. solar panels
  • Maximising natural light or breezes, including cross-ventilation
  • Reflection or absorption of radiant heat eg. through building materials, colours, etc
  • External glazing
  • Minimum eave widths.

Council also indicated that the following matters do not overlap with the building assessment provisions and can be requested or conditioned:

  • Privacy screening
  • Rain protection to windows and openings
  • Sun, wind, glare or radiant heat impacts on adjoining buildings or public spaces
  • Indoor/outdoor connection
  • Access to views
  • Accessible rooftop levels
  • Natural clothes drying where requested for utility purposes
  • Locally specific provisions (required under Local Plans).

The branch encourages members to review council information requests and conditions closely to ensure that they are within the scope of matters that can be lawfully requested and conditioned.

The branch also recommends that members utilise council’s prelodgement and pre-design meeting services to ensure that design issues are considered early in the approval process to avoid project delays.

It is important that members also talk to their designers, architects, and private certifiers to understand what is now required under the National Construction Code (NCC) to understand design implications early and look to minimise additional development costs through appropriate design responses.

The branch is continuing to work closely with council to refine the content of potential information requests and conditions and will provide future updates to members.

Please contact Policy Executive, Robert Tily on (07) 3229 1589 to inform us of your specific examples.