Be environmentally strategic, advice to council

A sustainable corridor approach that balances the preservation of natural assets and continues to provide diverse housing options for a growing population was set out in a submission to Ipswich City Council on the draft Natural Environment Policy.

While emphasising the importance of a network approach, the submission warned achieving environmental outcomes without considering housing will compromise both and provide the community with little certainty around preserving the environment and affordable housing.

The following principles were proposed:

  • Principle 1: Prioritise conservation measures toward strategic, safe habitat areas separate from urban development areas
  • Principle 2: In balancing natural assets and dwelling supply, impacts on land supply should be minimised and compensatory responses made to any potential decreased dwelling supply
  • Principle 3: Development rights in the Urban Footprint should be preserved
  • Principle 4: Industry consultation is undertaken on any proposed changes to zoning or other mapping and a mechanism is provided to allow landholder-led mapping corrections
  • Principle 5: Review of environmental layers, policies, and rules to remove duplication and ensure there are consistent arrangements for the industry which do not result in housing affordability pressures.

The Institute also strongly recommended council further collaborate with the industry in developing the draft policy, considering environment outcomes and council’s obligations to meet dwelling targets under ShapingSEQ.

Any views that you have on this can be provided to Policy Manager, Martin Zaltron, via email or on (07) 3229 1589.

Email Martin